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13 Deadly Job Interview Mistakes That You Should Never Make

You applied to the job and you got invited to a job interview.

Now all that remains is that you get through that interview with the best impression possible.

That is not going to be difficult if you avoid the common mistakes listed below. Let's begin:

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Arriving Late or Too Early

    1. Arriving Late or Too Early

    If you're arriving late, you might as well skip the whole interview. Punctuality is very important. On the other hand, arriving too early will make you look desperate. It is best to arrive on time.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Dressed Up Wrongly

    2. Dressed Up Wrongly

    Appearance is important, let us not fool ourselves. You need to dress up appropriately for the position you are applying to.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Not Knowing Anything About the Company

    3. Not Knowing Anything About the Company

    Having absolutely no idea about the company's products and services shows lack of interest. Interviewers want candidates who have researched the company as it shows enthusiasm.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Talk Too Much or Too Little

    4. Talk Too Much or Too Little

    There is nothing worse than interviewing someone who goes on and on... Keep your answers brief and direct to the point and don't interrupt the interviewer. On the other hand, answering everything by just "Yes" or "No" is not good enough. Use complete sentences to answer.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Failure to Connect Yourself to the Job

    5. Failure to Connect Yourself to the Job

    You are a rocket scientist who recently lost his job and now you are applying for a job at McDonalds. The employer is not interested in your ability to fly shuttles around the moon. You need to explain how your experience helps you complete the requested tasks successfully.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Not Asking Questions or Asking Too Many

    6. Not Asking Questions or Asking Too Many

    In the interview you are the one who should be answering not the other way around. Keep your questions to a reasonable level and make sure that they directly relate to the position. It is always good to ask at least one question.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Asking About Salary Too Early

    7. Asking About Salary Too Early

    You don't want to sound too materialistic. The salary issue will come eventually. Wait for the interviewer to bring it up. Focus on presenting yourself as the best person for the job.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Attacking Past Employers

    8. Attacking Past Employers

    The world is small and you don't know who your interviewer might know, including your previous idiot boss. Keep your disagreements with your past manager to yourself.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Being Too Modest or Too Flashy

    9. Being Too Modest or Too Flashy

    The interview is your chance to shine and highlight your abilities. Modesty is great but not during a job interview. Make sure to showcase your accomplishments and qualifications as best as you can without sounding arrogant.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Excessive Perfumes

    10. Excessive Perfumes

    That can be so annoying sometimes. It is a job interview, not a wedding.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Forgetting What You Wrote on Your CV

    11. Forgetting What You Wrote on Your CV

    Interviewer: "So, when did you graduate?". You: "1985". Interviewer: "It says 1986 on your resume". You: "It does?!". Ouch! Get out of there while you still have some dignity.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Complaining about anything!

    12. Complaining about anything!

    Nobody wants to hire someone who is easily irritated. You have plenty of time later to suggest changes but for now stay cooperative and smile.

  • Job Interview Mistakes: Looking desperate

    13. Looking desperate.

    Even if you are, don't show it. It will make your position week. You will not be able to negotiate salary and benefits later.

13 Deadly Job Interview Mistakes That You Should Never Make

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